Have you ever not spoke to immediate family member(s) for months at a time as a result of a family feud?
Have you ever had a wet (sexual) dream about a distant relative, or an actual (consensual) sexual encounter with a relative?

If your sibling gets drunk at a family function and makes a pass at your new significant other. Would you confront your sibling?

If a very attractive second cousin hit on you at a family reunion, what would you do?
Have you ever intentionally hung up on a family member?

Did your parents ever get into a screaming match in a public place?

Have you ever been afraid to introduce a date to your family because you were worried they would embarrass you?

Has anyone in your family ever appeared on a chair-throwing daytime talk show?

Does your family tree intersect?

Is Your Family Dysfunctional?
Yes (but you probably already knew that)
Yes it sounds like you might want to look into some professional help. 😉
No (Thank goodness)
You dodged the bullet!
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